Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween, short update.

Only a quick update today.  As in the past couple of years, no trick or treaters, and the apartment was empty.  My car and truck were the only two vehicles in the parking lot when I got home.  

I took Barry's advice, picked up some more mouse traps and put sunflower seeds on them instead of (kind of in addition to) peanut butter.  When I got home, I worked on plumbing (shocker!).  The kitchen stack is now ready to be fitted.  It won't be warm enough for a while to do that.

The rest of the plumbing parts (the last manifold most notably) should be in tomorrow.  I also intend to start making a winterization checklist tomorrow.  

Tim did get back to me, got me a contact with an unconventional mortgage company.  They aren't a normal bank, their funding is different, and they don't do classic mortgages, they tend to be more tailored.  Tim got his home refinanced through them since he could get a mortgage where he paid on it twice a month so it didn't accrue interest, and things like that.  I am not sure if they will help, but I can give them a call.  At this point it will likely be next year before I do anything, but mortgages can take months to go to closing, so I am not intending to just sit idle on that front.  

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