I also went up during lunch and tried to put a few pieces together. The cement was really thick (it was in the low 20s last night up there) and it didn't hold well, I think it was still partially gelled. The first fitting I cemented pushed itself off even after holding it for over a minute (it is supposed to set in under 30 seconds). It made a mess. I have pulled the cement inside for as much as that will help, and will try it again tomorrow. I decided to not bother reusing the fitting, it is a real pain to clean everything off enough to reprime and reuse it, even if the fitting isn't damaged.
I also did the rough in for the bathroom after work. Apparently my chop saw won't cut 3" pipe clean through, so I have to do most of it, turn it and then finish the cut. I also got to thinking and I think I will vent the toilet separately, since I still have the one vent that is coming down from the wall. This makes the plumbing a lot simpler and removes the crazy angles I will need. They do make long sweep 90's that have an offshoot from them. They are normally intended for clean out plugs, but I could put the vent on it without any trouble.
The tape measure doesn't lie, so technically this is enough space, but it really looked too close to the edge. The toilet is 18" wide, so I only need 9" to the center of the flange.
I also briefly considered putting it on the other side of that joist. This presents a problem with the sink though. If I put it here, it will be nice and roomy to the sides of the porcelain goddess, but the edge of the tank will be under the sink. My sink is a full 24" wide, and this would put the edge of the tank at 24-25". Considering I only actually have about 44" (48" - 3.5" thick wall - 1/2" thick for paneling), that means there is a 4" overlap. I will have to decide whether I want the space around the toilet, buy a new narrow sink (I think you can get them narrower than 24") or put the toilet on the other side and deal with being up against the wall. Being up against the wall isn't a terrible thing, a lot of the bathrooms overseas were like that, and while not comfortable, they were fully usable. I also intend to get an elongated bowl and raised toilet, which will help alleviate some of the cramping.
I had to stay late since I got pulled over and got back to work late, so that was about it. I apparently forgot to put the registration stickers on my plates, so my plates said they expired back in March. Oops. Thankfully tomorrow it is supposed to start warming up again, the last couple of nights have been chilly, and my apartment is sitting at 56 at the moment, since I am too cheap to turn on the heat.
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