After that, I headed up to the property and did another round of sealing foam and went through and sprayed down all the studs that had black stuff on them. It used every last drop of the mold and mildew killer I had, but it managed to complete the job. Hopefully I don't need more.
While the fumes were leaving, I built the support framing for the AC unit. There was only one problem, I never measured the wall to make sure it would fit when I upped first the window size and then the unit size. Oops. It did fit, but only if I built it non-conventionally.
And this is what it looked like when I installed it.
When I opened up the unit, I noticed the plastic was a little bent. Otherwise the unit looked fine though.
As is seemingly becoming a theme, the instructions for this were even less useful than the door or the windows. They pretty much just said install the box and then put the unit in. So I went to put the box in, and guess what happened:
Turns out that gap is the exact size of a 2x4, meaning their rough opening size was wrong. It also means I could have built it properly. Grrrrrrrr. So I installed a 2x4 and the box is mounted. No idea if I did it correctly, all I know is that the unit is tipped as it should be. The screws they give you are kinda wimpy too.
This is another thing that irritates me about this whole process. I now have to cut a small patch pieces and silicone the piss out of it and put it in.
It was early afternoon at that point and while the foam was set, the windows were still in the sun, so I decided to do some electric work inside. I installed all the boxes that I had and outlets and switches. Nothing is wired up yet though.
I am short a few sets of outlets... And a couple of boxes too it turns out.
I also realized that several of the switches I bought were the wrong color as well. Today was full of irritants. These are light almond, everything else I bought was white. They came out of the white box on the shelf though.
By then the sun had moved behind the trees so I finished caulking the windows in.
I also filled in a couple of nails I had to push out when installing the framing for the heat pump.
Since it was in a dissected state, I covered the heat pump. I don't like Amana stuff, but I don't want to hurt it. It was expensive.
I noticed when I broke for lunch that I had an audience.
I will need help to install the heat pump, it is too heavy to safely lift by myself, and I also want someone on the outside in case the screws holding the box in don't hold. I have no idea if I used the right ones in the right locations because the instructions didn't say. So that will be continued probably on Wednesday when I can snag a few people to help me put it in. Because of that, technically no movement on the checklist.
Your audience thinks you are building them a nice new home for winter!