The first thing I did today was finish installing the supports for the ends. The outermost rafter is behind the support for the ridge board, so there is a 1.5" gap that I put some upright boards in. Those are all installed now.
This time the front. Thankfully the same strapping technique worked.
The front is all done.
The back required a little revamp of my blocking scheme, since there wasn't enough slab at the edges to fully support everything. Thankfully one extra block was all I needed. I will probably have to do this on the other side as well.
The back is done too now though.
I am all out of siding, so I will need to go get more. I need six full sheets, plus at least one for the fine detail stuff. The ends have a gap on the side that will need to be filled in; it is too large to just put larger trim on... It is 6" wide.
I remembered to stagger them so that each one takes the other side of the sheet, meaning the front needs the edge that goes underneath, and the back requires the edge that goes over, so I don't need two of the same kind of edge.
I tried to put up a tarp given the lack of waterproofing noted in the previous post, but unfortunately was unable to do so. My ladder isn't tall enough for me to actually get on the roof, so I did some repairs to the tar paper hoping that will help. Time will tell.
I also picked up a bunch of stuff for wiring (including outlets and more wire) so that I can continue working on the electric over the next few rainy days. One thing I have come to note that is that my decision to make everything 20A made a lot of the hardware more expensive. 15A outlets are a quarter, 20A outlets are a couple of bucks. GFCI outlets get very expensive as the current goes up too. I will be happy to be able to run my microwave and toaster at the same time though, so it was worth it. I need to order the stuff for the roof, so I can hopefully get that in soon.
Nothing was completed, so no movement on the checklist. The last wall shouldn't be too bad once I get good enough weather to do it. The hard part will be the squaring. With three walls having siding, the last won't move easily, and it is one of the worst for being off center. And it is off center towards the front, which means I will have to strap it to the tractor in the back and hope the tractor is heavy enough. It was off the same direction for the other side, but not as bad. We shall see.
Instead of posting the checklist that hasn't changed, I will post a trivia question instead: What kind of caterpillar is this?
It's a green one! No, really, it's a black swallowtail