Monday, October 29, 2018

Short update. Ready for power.

Even though I left on time, the days are getting too short this time of year so I didn't get much done.  I went out at lunch and paid for the well.  My checking account is a lot lighter now.  I also verified that the thing I found is in fact the heat tapes, which is good enough for me to call the well done. 

In my limited daylight, I did manage to get the last wire installed for the box up at the house.  In hindsight I think I probably should have just used couplers in a box instead of a whole new box and setup.  It would have been much simpler, quicker and cheaper.  Oh well.  The box is ready for power now at any rate.  This time I got the correct adapter.

With what little daylight was left, I went on a scavenger hunt.  I came away with the battery charger for the drill though.  I checked every place in the apartment last night, so I knew it had to be in the shed tote that was packed.  I also pulled out my old fiberglass stuff. 

We are finally supposed to get some nice weather tomorrow, so I hope to finish off the electric tomorrow.  It is also supposed to be nice on Wednesday, so I will try to finish the plumbing then, before the rain starts back up on Thursday.  Unfortunately, since I also need nice outside weather for the skirting tracks, I also need to fit them in there somewhere.  I guess technically I can do the plumbing in the rain, as much as I despise the idea.  The PVC cement will work, since it won't be actively getting rained on underneath the house.  Ugh.

The only movement on the checklist is that I am now considering the well complete.  I made another round of calls on the apron, and still no responses, so it unfortunately looks like I am calling Cooper tomorrow.

Before Occupancy:
  1. Install paneling on interior walls.
  2. Build floor pan for the bathroom
  3. Install bathroom fixtures.
  4. Install electric.
  5. Complete interior plumbing and test it.
  6. Finish running the waste PVC line.
  7. Well prep work.
  8. Get well installed.
  9. Get hot water heater installed.
  10. Install flooring.
  11. Install skirting.
  12. Install some form of cabinets in the kitchen.  
  13. Install kitchen sink.
  14. Install kitchen appliances.
  15. Install enough driveway to satisfy the apron requirements.
  16. Get propane installed.
Before Winter:
  1. Build bed frame.
  2. Build closets.
  3. Install table.
  4. Install heat tapes.
  5. Build some sort of porch.
  6. Smooth driveway enough to plow/clear
  7. Fix snowblower.  
  8. Winterize equipment (mower, undercoat the truck, etc).
  9. Clear slab
  10. Shed work
    1. Extend roof to prevent snow pushing on the side.
    2. Fix pilings

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