Sunday, August 16, 2020

Drizzly, but out of materials.

Today wasn't as nice as promised.  I got drizzled on a half dozen or so times.  While it wasn't a major inconvenience (no actual rain), every time it started to drizzle I would go and put all my tools away, and it would break the flow of work.  Otherwise though, it didn't reach 70 today, so it was nice working temperatures, even if it was kind of humid.

Today's project was mostly siding.  The siding I got from Lowe's was thinner than I thought (it is 33 gauge, not 31 like the stuff at Home Depot, but it was in stock and slightly cheaper).  Because of how thin it was, the first thing I did was to see if I could cut it with my jig saw, or if the blade would just annihilate the piece.  It did surprisingly well.  Apparently it is hard to operate my phone with gloves on...

It did bend really easily though, if it wasn't flat when you set it down, bad things happened.

I did the tall wall first, which was a mistake (more on that later).  I missed a couple of times, and there were a few instances like this where it slid as I was putting the screw in.  If I am being honest, it is easier to put up T1-11 by yourself than it is metal siding, even if the metal is a whole lot lighter.  T1-11 lines up easier and isn't floppy.

The tall wall is complete though.

This is what it looks like from the inside.

The shorter wall needed some coercion to untwist itself.  Another good use for the drum, and I tossed the wheel weights on top because they were right there.

The shorter wall looks done from the inside.

I ran out of screws as I put the top layer on though, so I will have to get another bag.  I thought 250 would be enough, it appears that I was wrong.  It is hard to tell in this picture, but the shorter wall is perfect, no misses and no mis-alignment errors, so this wall has no mistakes in it (unless I make some when I finish putting the last screws in).  You may notice that both walls don't go all the way to top, that is for the plexi-glass to allow light inside.

It wasn't sunny today, but I can already picture the glare and reflection coming through the front door.  This may get painted sooner rather than later.

It wasn't quite dark at that point though, so I finished installing all the furring strips that I have.  I still need to make another Home Depot run to get a few more.  It is coming along though, and while the structure still sways a tiny bit in the left-right direction in this picture (the only rigidness in that axis is the hurricane ties), it felt solid enough that I would be willing to walk on the roof to get that installed.  I might install a few joist to stud stud pieces to solidify that so that building the back wall becomes a lot less important.  It should be enclosed this week though.

I got drizzled on enough today that I covered everything anyways.  It isn't supposed to rain, but it wasn't supposed to drizzle today either. 

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