Saturday, August 8, 2020

Almost ready for building.

Friday I went and got the obnoxiously long boards.  Then had a fun exercise in how do you fit a 16' board in a 6.5' (at best) bed. The result wasn't pretty.  I used the 10 footers to create a base so that more than half of the 16s were supported, and tied it in as best as I could, and cinched all the boards together, so that they had to move as a single unit.  It worked, but it was not pleasant driving like that.

When I got home I lit the burn barrel.  It burned hot and really really fast.  I had dumped the rest of my old diesel in it (about 3/4 gallon) since I didn't want to put it in the tractor after sitting for over a year. 

The first thing I think of when I light it is oil drum alley...  Not sure if any of my normal readers will get that reference though.

While that was scorching everything nearby, I unloaded the truck.  I have lots of wood.

I also did more dumpster work.  I didn't get as far as I had hoped. 

I went out for dinner and to go shopping, so I dumped a couple of gallons of water on the burn barrel.  It was apparently hot enough that it re-lit itself while I was out, which actually is kind of nice.  Everything is thoroughly burned in it now. 

This morning the pressure was on to get the spot cleaned up.  My first though was why not open the end and just push it in with the tractor.  Unfortunately though my tractor isn't big enough for that.  This was as far as I got.

The tractor did give an assist though.  I tossed all the big stuff in by hand and then just raked everything else into the bucket.  That worked out well because I was really nervous about trying to push the pile anyways; a lot of the boards in the pile had screws and nails in them.

The tractor got its first fill up today.  One full tank lasts between 11 and 12 hours with heavy loader use. 

We were supposed to get storms today, but they all missed for a change.  While I was hot and would have appreciated the rain, I am glad the wood didn't get wet.  It warps bad enough on its own just being in the sunlight.  Add rain and a couple of boards are guaranteed to turn into a horseshoe.  I was able to see some them though.

I was exceptionally productive today.  The pile is mostly gone (enough to build the carport anyways), and I got gravel brought up to level and smooth it. 

I didn't quite finish everything, the site needs a tiny bit of leveling, which I will do in the morning.

The pile was a lot larger than I originally thought it was.  the dumpster is about 2/3 full.  To boot, I got the bigger 20 yard, not the smaller 10 or 15 yard because I wanted the extra ton of weight they give you.  Looks like I needed the space too though.  I haven't finished the side, and haven't even started the pile in the back.  Looks like it won't all fit in this dumpster.

I am pretty beat, it was a lot more work than I expected, but I am ready for the construction tomorrow.  I went and got the rest of the wood this evening.  Matt is coming out to give me a hand, and I should have the final leveling done before he gets here, it is just a couple of back drags with the bucket.  That said, I think a rear grader blade will be the first attachment I get for the tractor. 

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