Monday, June 29, 2020

Stormy weekend.

Courtesy of Murphy, as soon as I turned on Route 9 to go to Stefan's, the check engine light turned off.  It was still a good visit though.  The car goes in for inspection on Wednesday.

It was kind of stormy this weekend.  Saturday I managed to get some tractor work in before it started to storm.  The drain pipe is now finished.

I also did a bunch more leveling up on the drain field.  I filled in one of the crevices in it.

I might have unfairly judged the dirt.  I haven't come across a single rock yet.  The "rocks" I saw were hardened clay, which I have been chopping up with the bucket. Just like the can I saw in the gravel pile was actually my receipt.  Oh well.  It is amazing how quick the dirt goes though.

The last thing I got in before it started storming was taking out another two buckets full of rocks, and I also smoothed the slope.  I should in theory be able to drive the lawn tractor down it now.

While it was storming, I decided to try breading (using almond flour so it was Keto friendly) some nice Haddock fillets I bought because I did a no-no and went shopping while hungry.  They came out very nice.

Sunday I woke up to another visitor.  It has actually been a while since I saw a deer in the yard.

She really enjoyed this plant.  The top three feet she pretty much stripped.

At that point it was clear that the impact hammer wasn't going to come in (Amazon delayed it), so I decided to mow.  Turns out it isn't hills that push mower doesn't like, it doesn't like a full fuel tank.  I I filled it very full this time, and even just sitting on flat ground it was sputtering.  I almost think it is flooding, if I push the primer bulb when it is sputtering, it gets much worse. Not to mention it was spitting gas out the cap.

Just some status updates: the salt block is a failure.  I might still try the mineral block, since should dissolve faster, perhaps have greater effect, but the salt block was a dismal failure.

The grass seed I planted held promise, but it never filled in.  It has been a month now.  Looks like I will need to get top soil after all.

After that I spent a good chunk of the day mowing.   I mowed most of the front.  It takes notably longer with the crappy pushmower than it did with the Troy Bilt.  And at the end, it looks better, but it doesn't really look mowed.  I know the blade stinks (it only has a little corner bent to create lift, which is woefully inadequate) but the blade is sharp, and it just doesn't cut well.  Considering these spots were shin deep though (even despite the drought) they really needed it though.

At that point it started drizzling, so I puttered around on the tractor for a bit but that was it.

Hopefully the impact hammer comes in soon so I can finish fixing the lawn tractor.  If I continue to have a lot of problems with it, it might be worth buying a nicer pushmower.  I bought that Poulan because it was cheap (it is a 30 dollar Craigslist cheapie) and I needed something that worked now, but it is clearly designed for flat level manicured lawns and doesn't work well on my lot.


  1. Hmm I may want said cheap pushmower- what do you think it would do in the lumpy bumpy pasture? LOL

    1. Probably not what you want (implode perhaps), but if/when I replace it, you can have it.
