Sunday, May 13, 2018

Backlog of updates.

I have been lazy and haven't posted the updates during the week, so this is going to be a long post.

Wednesday was a rather incensing day.  I hadn't fixed the door yet, so it was only held closed by a strap.  I apparently had a visitor, and they stole a few tools.  The toolbox was missing.

They also stole my drill and jig saw.  Thankfully there wasn't anything of value in the box, the most valuable thing in the toolbox was a pair of tin snips.  Also thankful that they were blind and stupid, the case for my drill was right there, but they didn't take that, so I didn't lose the other battery or the charger.  They did look through the toolbox though, they left me the roofing screws and my trash bags.

Unfortunately I also had a set of keys to the place in there as well, so I spent the evening swapping out the locks.

I also removed the plate so that the deadbolt works.  I had to make the hole a bit larger, but it latches now.  I also started locking the shed.  There was a lock on it, so it appeared locked, but wasn't actually locked.

They also left a half drank can up there.

After my anger subsided, I went home.  Thursday I had a half day at work, and got some more work done.  Got some of the plumbing hung.

I also took my first stab at insulating the corner.  I had to drill the holes with the drill I got from Barry.  It works a bit better than the old black and decker I got from Dad.  I didn't realize how convenient a cordless drill really was until I had to use this.  It is clunky and heavy.  And big, it almost didn't fit underneath the joists.

I also took my hand at insulating the corner.  I may have overdone it a little at the bottom.

I also filled in the hole in the front of the frame with pest block and taped it with underbelly tape.  This was one of the more popular entrances for the mice.

I also filled in the back.

I also filled in the tongue of the trailer.

I started to do the exterior boxes, realized I was a box short.

I also found a use for the old grill.

Friday I went to pick up Tim's old grill.  I mentioned that I missed out on one from Craigslist, and he said he had his old that his wife wanted out of the yard.  It needs new heat tents (which are about 15 bucks on ebay) but otherwise is in decent shape.  There are some rust holes in it, but otherwise is in good shape.  It does need a good cleaning.

The grates are in excellent shape.

The heat tents have seen better days.

I also picked up the replacements for the stolen tools.  The drill is a model year newer, but is compatible with the rest of my stuff, which made it pretty cheap to replace.

It was cold and rainy today, so I did a bunch of inside work.  The windows are now all ready for silicone.  The murphy knife is better than my utility knife at cleaning the foam too.

The insulation in the corner it turns out pushed the siding out, since it isn't attached at the bottom.  Oops.

I completed the insulation with what I had.  I am still a few batts short.  All the windows are done though.

The ones with plumbing were a real pain.

I did the bottom half of the shower and top half of the laundry section.  They were kind of annoying.

Unfortunately it looks like I did lose a batt to mice.

I picked up the next round of stuff at Home Depot tonight.


  1. Uht oh, starting to lose the battle with mice again!

    1. Indeed. I can take them out by the dozen, but I am a bit outnumbered.
