Saturday, July 30, 2016

Did a little bit of everything

I tried a homemade weed killer, your simple vinegar, salt, and soap mix.  It seemed to work reasonably well.


When I left this afternoon, everything was wilted and some of it had already died.

I also got my burn barrel made today.  My jig saw didn't fare too well, and it took a while.  It totally destroyed one blade, and I stopped often to let the blade and saw cool (it smokes a lot when cutting metal).  But it survived.

I also got the holes drilled.  I had a lot more trouble with the ventilation holes than I expected.  My cordless drill worked, but only barely, so I switched over to my corded drill which only did a little better.

I also got the seized spindle removed.  Two of them rung off, one came out.  As I was removing it though, I noticed that it freed up, I must have broken it free when I was wrenching on it with extended ratchet.  Once I got it freed up, I manually ran the belt by hand, and I think I will have to replace the other one as well.  It isn't seized, but it is clear when you spin it that the bearing is shot, it makes a grinding noise and doesn't spin smoothly.

I also made some destruction progress.  I got the furnace removed today.  It was a bigger pain in the neck than I anticipated, and actually took a couple of hours to remove.  I currently don't have a heating plan for the tiny home, so I haven't ditched it yet.  I was originally intending to just use space heaters since it is so small and it means I don't have to install duct work, but it looked to be in nice shape.  Something to think on.

I am at an impasse on the water heater.  I have no idea to remove it.  It is kinda attached three different ways.  It is on a shelf bolted to the wall, has a bunch of lines running to it, and has an outside component.  I don't intend to reuse it, I was going to go with a more traditional water heater or a tankless propane one if I can find one that won't drain a propane tank in a matter of minutes.

The kitchen is looking a lot emptier though.  I also got the window out of it today.

I am considering listing a lot of the stuff on Craigslist so I don't have to deal with disposing it.  At least the fridge and water heater, and maybe the beds and stuff.

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