Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Another task down.

I left work early to take advantage of it being 50 and sunny today.  For a change the skirting didn't take as long as I was figuring.  It is now all done. 

I wasn't really sure how to deal with the final corner.  This is what I ended up doing.

I also have a spare piece of skirting if Dad is interested, since I know the stuff with no vents isn't as common down in KY.  It is the full 11' 7".  I still have an extra piece as well from the last sheet that I did use.

I tripped over them and finally got agitated enough to chop off the wires sticking up in the driveway.  I then decided to go pick up all the trash that has been accumulating.  The various pieces of skirting, empty tubes of silicone, and so on.

The last thing I did was dig out my lamp and put some bulbs in it.  I now have real lights in the shed.  Before all I had was my AAA camping lantern.  I will need the lights, since I am at the point of pulling the stove and fridge out, and it will be in the dark when I do.

The town inspected the apron today and said it looked fine, and they will be doing the final approval at the planning board meeting tonight.  I am considering going just in case, even though I shouldn't be needed there.  It would be nice to get my 1800 dollar refund though.

Still no word from Keating.  Home Depot cancelled the install order though for some reason, so I will inquire about it tonight.  I am going to go pick up the stuff for a small set of stairs to replace my cinder blocks and the fixtures for the bathroom.  If I had more time, I probably could have gotten them off Craigslist (there are frequently vanities and toilets for free on there), but I sacrificed cost for time and haven't been checking for them.  I only have a week before I am done in my current apartment, though once I have the toilet in, I am good to go.  I can live without a kitchen or hot water for a week or however long it takes to get it finished.  We have showers at work.  I am admittedly concerned that we are supposed to get 3-5 inches of snow next week and I haven't done the driveway yet though.  I can't work remotely since I don't have internet.

The skirting is checked off.  It is nice to be down to only two things in progress though.

Before Occupancy:
  1. Install paneling on interior walls.
  2. Build floor pan for the bathroom
  3. Install bathroom fixtures.
  4. Install electric.
  5. Complete interior plumbing and test it.
  6. Finish running the waste PVC line.
  7. Well prep work.
  8. Get well installed.
  9. Get hot water heater installed.
  10. Install flooring.
  11. Install skirting.
  12. Install some form of cabinets in the kitchen.
  13. Install kitchen sink.
  14. Install kitchen appliances.
  15. Install enough driveway to satisfy the apron requirements.
  16. Get propane installed.
Before Winter:
  1. Build bed frame.
  2. Build closets.
  3. Install table.
  4. Install heat tapes.
  5. Build some sort of porch.
  6. Smooth driveway enough to plow/clear
  7. Fix snowblower.  
  8. Winterize equipment (mower, undercoat the truck, etc).
  9. Clear slab
  10. Shed work
    1. Extend roof to prevent snow pushing on the side.
    2. Fix pilings

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