Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Bit of a rocky day.

I went up and got another load of gravel.  This time I kept it under a ton.  I forgot to grab a pic before I started, but this wasn't too far in.

Much like last time, it didn't cover nearly as much as I had hoped.

The last round is settling in pretty well, it is about flush with the rest of the driveway now.  It needs more, but it isn't going to get it until the weight limits come off the road. 

It really makes a mess out of the truck, especially when the gravel is wet. 

At the very least, this ought to be good enough to keep Matt's car from getting swallowed up, and should greatly ease the climb in mine.  The bottom there was bad enough to almost bottom it out.

I am in the process of getting a second quote, and found out that apparently septic designs are only approved for 3 months.  The state approval was expired before I was even issued my building permit, so I will need to resubmit it.  Grumble grumble.

1 comment:

  1. 3 months is an awfully short time span for something like that
