Saturday, July 22, 2017

Muggy day. but good.

Thankfully the heat broke, though the humidity today was awful.  It was only upper 70's, but the dewpoint (even at midday) was still in the 70s, which made it uncomfortable to work in.  Also unfortunate is that I was apparently really tired and didn't roll out of bed until 11...

I picked up a new toy that I will be using to commit genocide.

I also took down the tarp walls today.  They come down reasonably quickly and easily when I am working.  Another nice note is that the center pole isn't needed, it will stand without it.  This made it easier to move around the wall pieces.

All the walls are assembled.  I will be putting the california corners tomorrow on the ends, but that is all that is left.  There are a lot of nails in it too, since the walls had started to warp a little, and I forcefully pulled the warp out.

All the walls are now laid out on the slab in such a way that it is just stand the wall up, move it over to the trailer, fasten it.  No turning or anything is required.  Unfortunately, I don't think I will get that done before the next round of rain on Monday, so I will have to go find a larger tarp.

I also centered the flooring on the trailer.  It was pretty close, the front was off by a quarter inch.  I also marked the front so I know where it lines up.

The last thing I got done today was the remaining parts of the frame that I had welded are now painted.  Most of the welds look pretty nice, but there were a few that looked awful.  I probably won't go back to that guy.  While I did go over it with the wire brush, these are not as clean as I would have liked.  I am not too worried though.  I did have some overspray, but it will get over it.

I am hoping tomorrow to make sure everything is ready so that I can stand the walls up and get the roof installed in one go.


  1. once you get the building permit? or screw that?

    1. Since at this point the earliest I could get it is August 7th i am saying screw that
