Sunday, July 30, 2017

Frame centered and level.

The big task for today was getting the subflooring centered on the frame and getting the trailer frame blocked and leveled so that I can make sure the walls are square and don't end up with a tilted house.
Everything is within the center set of line on my level.  It was a lot more work than I expected.

I didn't want to use any shim boards (I prefer something meatier) but had to on one stand to get the right height.

I also made sure to pull the trailer forward.  I had already moved it away from the side so that I could skirt the side, but the trailer was also too far back.  That has been rectified.

Despite the leveling taking longer than expected, I also managed to get the door framing and header done, and also get the top plates on so that I can start on the roof.

My new door.  It is a fiberglass one, but was the only one under 600 bucks that had windows that you can see through.  Most of the them are decorative and would let in light, but they were at weird angles so you can't see through them.  I would like more windows in it, but didn't want to pay for it.  At the present moment I am not intending to install a storm door, but the door frame would support one.  The door frame looks a little thick for a 2x4 wall, but was the thinnest that they carried.  Unfortunately I didn't see these when I designed the wall, but they do stock standard width 76" doors, so I could have made the door frame a little shorter (it was the limiting factor on wall height).  Oh well.

It was a good weekend productivity-wise, and the weather this weekend was perfect.  It isn't often you get highs in the 70s at the end of July, and chilly enough at night that I actually pulled my blanket on me.  Unfortunately this week sees the return of the heat, but I still hope to have the rafters and sheathing up before Thursday, when the rain returns.

Looking at the next steps I laid out yesterday, I got several of them checked off today.
  1. Level trailer and get jackstands under it.  
  2. Square and center everything up.
    1. I haven't squared the walls, but the centering is done.  
  3. Install the door.  I am doing this before the roof since the roof will require the top plate, and the header nails into the board under the top plate.  
    1. The door isn't installed, but the essence of this task is complete.
  4. Install the top plates and rafters.  
  5. Sheathe the roof (I intend to fully sheathe it with 1/4" CDX instead of using furring strips).  Put the tarp on it.  I hope to get this far before it starts raining again.
  6. Install the windows
  7. Tyvek wrap the outside.

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