Thursday, June 1, 2017

First round with the zoning board done, got the well quote.

I had the first meeting with the zoning board this evening.  I didn't get the approval, but the general mood of the meeting was positive, and that I shouldn't have too much issue.  I got lucky that I missed a diagonal abutter, but she worked in the office so she was there.  They gave me a checklist of things they would like to see at the reconvene.  A couple of things of note:  apparently there is no map of the lot on the official town record, which also means that they don't actually know how large my lot is.  I am taxed for 5 acres, so it is somewhere around there.  The deed doesn't give any useful information.  So that is the biggest item.  They want me to mark where everything is going on it as well, so I will have to go visit the septic guy to make sure I get it right.

There are also a couple of state questions they wanted me to directly answer.  They didn't think the living room window was large enough to qualify as an egress entrance (emergency entrance/escape) which is probably accurate, I just made it bigger and called it a day.  There are a few other minor details, such as I didn't know I needed a driveway permit (I didn't even know there was such a thing).  But in general things were positive.  The reconvene is in two weeks, so I have time to get everything together.  I asked for one, since I want to start building, but two is their normal cycle.

I also got the well quote today.  Wells in NH are very deep and very expensive.  I was expecting needing a less than 100ft well, but the guy said it will likely be over 200 feet.  The average well depth on hubbard road is 300 feet, so that is what I was quoted for.  It came to nearly 8 grand.  The good news is that I won't need hydrofracking, which means all the cost is just depth.  I am still holding out hope that my well doesn't need to be that deep, but I will be budgeting for at least the full 300 feet since I am not intending to take out a loan for the well, only the septic.


  1. 300 feet to get down for water? OMG that's deep

    1. not really, our well in argyle was over 200, and Barry (one of my coworkers) has a well that is over 500 and still only produces 1.3 gallons per minute.
