Yesterday I got the roof removed. I cut through everything with my reciprocating saw, which kinda survived (at least yesterday). The shoe fell off, the rubber grip came off, and some of the screws came out holding the body of it together, but it made it through the whole roof removal.
As you can imagine, the slab would be cleaner if a tornado had gone through.
The air conditioner was surprisingly easy to remove, just cut the support underneath and give it a little pop and it fell right off. Unfortunately falling off busted the seal, so my apologies to the EPA for releasing some refrigerant into the atmosphere.
I also had a cookout with Tim who helped me. We had a lot of steaks, a marinated rib-eye and a sirloin steak. Even in the darkness I surprisingly grilled them perfectly, since we didn't start barbecuing until after sunset. Those steaks I got from mom and dad are enormous though (and Carly, or were these ones Bevis, was really a porker) so I have leftovers for another week... Tim also brought up some squash and zucchini that we grilled as well.
Apparently at some point yesterday, part of the debris scraped my leg, though I don't remember anything hitting my legs. I remember the cuts on the arms, one from Tim twisting something without telling me, the other from when I fell off the trailer and put my arm down (the walls are not safe to use as supports once the roof is gone FYI), but I don't remember this. I had a couple of drinks, but I remember the whole evening, except this. It didn't hurt until I took a shower.
Today was not as productive as I had hoped. I spent a chunk of the morning repairing the reciprocating saw, got the shoe reattached, tightened all the screws that were backing themselves out.
I got another chunk of the wall down.
Unfortunately as I went to make the next cut, the blade broke, which was common, I have broken 4 blades the last couple of days, but the chuck/blade lock let go of the blade but wouldn't tighten down on the new one. So after all that work this morning fixing the saw it just went kaput on me. So now I have to decide whether to buy another cheapy (that saw was a 12 dollar special from Harbor Freight) or buy a nice one that I will use at most once a year, or buy one that uses the same batteries as my drill. Unfortunately those don't have quite the oomph though.
So instead this afternoon I decided to go out and mow. I got the bagger attached. Since most of the built-in straps on it are broken, I gerry-rigged something together with bungee cords.
Unfortunately I forgot that the clip that holds the bins in place is also broken. As a result I lost the bins at one point and didn't realize it until after my car got coated.
It didn't blow off on the way home either, which is annoying.
But I did at least get all the mowing done. It is nice and quick with the rider.
have no fear dad coated my truck in mower spray too and none of it came off either, so my truck is green spotted to go with the white truck and the gray primer. it's FUN to get off! Time to get a car wash!