Tuesday, July 18, 2023

An unexpected pleasant surprise

I went up at lunch yesterday to start going through the portable garage to see what could be salvaged, and was greeted with a pleasant surprise.  I guess FineLine finally got sick of my increasingly less courteous communication.

While I was moving stuff into the shed, I happened to notice that there was some mold in the shed as well, but it seemed to be isolated to this one board.  Considering that this board is the leftover piece from the furniture that also got moldy, it makes me curious whether the lumber was part of the problem.  

I opened up all the totes and looked inside.  They all seemed to be fine.

This is the pile of stuff that got wrecked.  The pantry shelving, the armoire, the chairs are all gone as expected.  I didn't get through all of it though.  I haven't gotten far enough to make a determination on the dresser.  I did notice that the only parts of the table I built that got moldy were spots where there was a defect in the finish.  

The house update for the day though: It is in place and on blocks.  They left the trailer there so I assume they will be back today, despite the fact that it is supposed to storm today.

The steps are here.

They didn't tie it down with cables, they used these instead.  This isn't bolted into the concrete though, so I am not sure it is the final solution, or if it was just for adding support so the crew could work inside before the outside was finished.

I saw a partially used pack of singles, so they finished the ridge cap.

They haven't finished the sides yet though, the house wrap is still open.

The other side they haven't removed the protective sheathing.  

It is currently winched together.  I presume the winch isn't the final implementation. 

The steps for the back door are delivered too.  While I was there they complained about the mud in the back.

They put up some of of the backing for the skirting, but none of the skirting is installed yet.  It is there though.  

I will be heading back up at lunch again today to try to finish up the cleaning out the portable garage.  Hopefully I will get an update from them on when it will be complete.  It is supposed to be nice tomorrow and Thursday is only a 25% chance of rain, so I am hoping it will be done by the weekend.  

I poked my nose in this morning.

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