Thursday, July 20, 2023

All that is left is the carpet.

I went up during lunch again yesterday, they were just wrapping things up and cleaning.  I did get pictures of the two rooms, though they are just rooms.

I am definitely glad I added the second window to this room.  

The other bathroom.  Small, but not a complete sardine can.  

I did open up the fridge while I was there.  It seemed to be running, and felt cold.  

I also forgot to take a picture of the laundry room.  It is small.  But it is just a laundry room.

The plumber finished up as well.  The water filter is no longer in the tiny home.  Apparently he used the new pressure tank he bought, so I assume that the pressure tank is underneath the house.  Given that they installed some vented siding, I might want to replace those pieces with solid skirting come winter.

It is now in the new home.  It is supposed to backflush today, so I will go take a look for leaks when I go up at lunch.  I didn't peek in the windows when I got home, but there are supposed to be access panels installed by now, which is good since the water filter is noisy when it backflushes.

I don't particularly like the way he ran the power, but there weren't a lot of options.  I would have preferred that he just run an outlet in that space with the water heater, but oh well.  Perhaps I will fix it someday.

The siding is complete.

The front stairs still have a pretty major final step.  They did at least fix the wobble though.

They didn't put down the back steps.  I want to try to fix the drainage first, or at least let the grass grow and firm the area up first.  

The house looks nice, the skirting is done too.

Apparently my turkeys came back to see what was up.  As long as they eat the ticks, I won't eat them.

Last night, I went out and picked up a new (to me) entertainment center.

Apparently it partially came apart on the ride home.  I am not too worried about it though. Gravity will hold it down.  The glass is supposed to be glued down to the supports.

This time I decided to store it in the tiny home.

No word yet from the carpet guys.  I am still hoping that they will be out today.  


  1. It looks wonderful!! So happy for you!

  2. Hopefully the carpet guy was out today!!! * Crosses fingers
