Monday, October 26, 2020

Shed cleanout completed.

I finished up cleaning the shed.  First up was the west wall, I finished cleaning that up and got the smaller rack in there that will be under the window.

Apparently at some point I acquired a squeegee.  Probably doesn't work worth a crap anymore.  Free to a good dumpster.  

After that my sinuses wanted a break from the shed, so I got the car out.  I had the battery charger on it most of the morning, but it fired right up.  The battery isn't toasted yet.  The car ran just fine; I took it around the block.  Sitting really doesn't seem to bother it.  Surprisingly, despite the cold (Sunday was much much colder than Saturday) the check engine light stayed off.  I might bring it in for inspection this week.

After that it was time to get all the crap back in the shed, since it rained last night.  The plywood holder worked, though not nearly as well as I had hoped.  Sticking out 4 feet is kind of obnoxious, but there is enough space in the shed again that it is a problem.  

I might add a few more pieces so it hold smaller stuff better.  I added a third runner on the bottom (it could use a fourth if I want to keep smaller shelf-size stuff in it).  One thing I didn't think of was now when I walk in the shed, the boards that are leaning up against the loft squeak.  While that will get better once I fix the center support next year so I will deal with it then, perhaps just install some felt or something where it is rubbing.  It was pretty clear when I was walking around that in a lot of spots in the shed the center support is already useless.  There are spots where you can feel the floor give a bit when you walk on it.  It will be fine until next year though.

It feels like I have more lumber in stock than Home Depot does at this point.  At the very least, I won't have to buy lumber for a while.  

And that is after tossing all the fiber board.  I really don't like fiber board. 

The shed is complete now.  Hopefully videos still work.  Here is a before (I stripped the audio track which was mostly me just going "WTF is this shit").

And an after.  

After that I turned my attention to the yard.  It turns out that some of that grass seed I planted is starting to come up.  Too late to prevent the channels from being carved in the fill though.  Still good to see though.  

After that it was leaf mulching time.  The yard down by the front the trees were all bare, so I did started there.  Personally I think mulching is a better option than raking (faster, no disposal).  It doesn't look quite as nice, but it is faster, there is no disposal, and the leaves break down making dirt to smooth the yard out.  

The front is done on the creek side, except for the leech field.  For some reason when I ran the mower out of gas, I put more gas in it and it wouldn't restart, so I will have to investigate.  

At that point I was pretty much wiped.  so I restrung my fishing poles.  The line on them was pretty old.  the Zebco (my old green pole) the reel was really stiff.  It hasn't been used in many many years.  The gear came slightly misaligned when I went to put the new line in it.  I did eventually get it to line back up though.  

The windows aren't installed, so no movement on the checklist.  The yard isn't finished either, so I haven't winterized the mower. 

  • Support the shed (either pilings or add additional bracing)
  • Get windows installed in the shed
  • Paint the carport
  • Re-route the electrical cords
  • Install driveway markers
  • Get chains and a blade
  • Finish moving piles around (gravel and dirt)
  • Grade the driveway
  • Install acrylic and braces in carport.
  • Realign the front door
  • Winterize mowers
  • Shut off hose.
  • Install siding on south wall.

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