Saturday, June 8, 2019

Cleaning up and breaking down.

I called for a dumpster to finish cleaning and to my surprise (and kind of an annoyance, since you only get two weeks and I was not planning on using it this weekend) it was delivered same day.

So today I hooked up my dump cart and started cleaning up the yard. 

I got two loads out of the front yard.  I need to get at least one more out.  Maybe two.

I would have finished it today, but my tractor decided it didn't want to work anymore.  I was backing the trailer into a spot and then this happened.

That piece of black plastic on the dash isn't supposed to be visible.  It is supposed to hold the steering up.  Instead I now have a tilting wheel on my lawn tractor, though it isn't really a feature.  I took it apart to make sure I could access it from the top, since if I had to completely disassemble the steering on the tractor I might have just bought a new tractor.  If I can find the part though, it is really easy to replace.

The problem is finding the part.  The only reason I came in today was to try to find one on Ebay, and the search isn't going well.  I know Craftsman the brand is on life support with Sears going bankrupt, but I am surprised at the lack of parts when you poke around.

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