Thursday, April 14, 2016

Musings of the week.

Yesterday I went and picked up some stuff that one of my coworkers was tossing.  It is all pressure treated.  I intend to use the 4x4 for my mailbox.  The rest doesn't have a plan yet.

He also had an old wheelbarrow.  The handles were in good shape.

But the bucket needs work.

Also yesterday I got everything marked.  I had enough scrap to get it all done.

Didn't need my new boards.  So I have some 2x6 boards in case I need them.

Today, I got all the supports cut.

I tried to make a fence to cut the floor, much like I did when I cut my table top.  It didn't work nearly as well.  I will have to bring up my sander to straighten the cut a little.

1 comment:

  1. A little bit of bondo will get more life out of the wheelbarrow
