Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Eclipse camping.

I finally got my power back Friday evening.  The first thing I did was set up the UPS I had been slacking off on getting installed, so my internet should stay alive in future power failures.

I also went and picked up a cabinet.  It is big and surprisingly heavy.  If Jess or Heather want it, they can have it, but otherwise I will put it in one of side rooms.  It needs cleaning.

Annoyingly when I was walking it through the door, it apparently tore the fake linoleum for the entryway.  I will try to fix it at some point.  

I did get some freebies with it though.  
<Insert picture when computer is less stupid>

I have been thinking of changing the layout of the house a bit.  When Uncle came out, I ended up putting the futon in the gym because I couldn't open it up in the project room.  The only gym equipment I have is an elliptical and bike, and a couple dumbbells.  I think I might put those in the living room behind the couch, and make the second room a guest room and outdoor equipment room, and make the third room a project room.

Saturday I went over to Mike Kelley's campground for the weekend and the eclipse.  I took the scenic route across Vermont.  It was a very pretty drive. , though I took a more scenic route.

His campground is right across the road from Lake Champlain.

It has been a long while since I last used my tent, but everything went up without a hitch.  I had to jerry-rig the electric a bit, since my extension cord I brought wasn't quite long enough.  It all worked fine though.

After catching up with Mike Kelley, I went on a bit of a nostalgia tour on Sunday.  Went to Hicks (though there isn't much going on this time of year), drove through Argyle, and so on.  I got Dog Shack for (late) lunch on my way back.

Sunset over Lake Champlain.

Monday was the eclipse.  We had some very minor cloud cover, but it wasn't bad.

My phone was pretty bad at taking pictures, it seemed like the light sensor in it wasn't up to the task of what I was asking it to do, and it didn't have enough exposure adjustment to make up for it.  I did get a couple though.

Mike Kelley tried using a welding helmet.  It kinda worked.

He also taped some glasses over his iPhone.  That took some decent shots.


I started to take a video with my phone right as totality started, but decided against it (I wanted the phone for actual pictures).  Despite being short, it looks neat so I didn't just delete it.

I also set up my GoPro to take a time lapse, but I haven't gone through the photos yet.  When I do I will set up a photo album.  I am moving away from Google Photos (they have been screwing me at every turn), so I will need to set up a new thing and it might take a few days. 

I made two bets on the drive home.  Neither turned out.  I waited until about 7:30PM to leave, hoping the worst traffic would be over by then.  I also took a back roads type route which was a disaster.  I have a theory on the route: there is no cell coverage in a large chunk of Vermont, so Google Maps never realized that the traffic there was a disaster (even when I was in a 3 mile traffic jam I looked at the traffic when I got out of it and had signal again, and it said it was fine), and thus it kept sending cars on that route to avoid the traffic quagmire that was the main route.

I got home at 2AM and immediately crashed, I didn't even empty out the truck.  On my way in this morning though, I am happy to note that my snow is largely melted off, and I am down to about 70% coverage.  This week's system is still supposed to be all rain, so I it should go quickly unless the weatherman lied again as is their way.

At this point, I think most of this week will be cleaning up, the house is a disaster.  It is supposed to rain, so I probably won't do too much on the cap.  I need to make a decision on the excavator though.

Current To-do:
  • Winter projects: 
    • All the cabinet upgrades (bathroom, pantry, and kitchen)
    • Design deck
    • Build armoire.
    • Install whole house filter.
    • Refurb cap
    • Shelving upgrades in master closet.
    • Access panel upgrades in master closet
    • Install cube organizer in living room.
  • 2024 Projects:
    • Back yard drainage.  Complete Mortgage.
    • Insulate the water lines
    • Take scrap metal to Buffum
    • Close up tiny home.  Seal up plumbing.
    • Deck
    • Entertainment center
    • Storm doors

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