Monday, May 2, 2022

Spring work

I spent most of the weekend getting ready for spring stuff. I started by giving my mower a tune up.  I didn't tune it up last year because I had just bought it the previous fall. 

That was apparently a mistake.  The oil was black.  More scary for me though was the fact that it calls for 20oz of oil and I only got 8oz out of it.  I ran it pretty hard last year apparently (I checked the oil when I bought it and it was fresh), and it burns a lot of oil for a mower that is only 3-4 years old.

The air filter is also pretty bad.  It probably could have used being replaced last year.  This was taken after I attempted to clean it out.  Inside the flanges were completely caked when I pulled it out  I didn't have a spare, so it will have to do until I get a new one.  I didn't pull the spark plug, but when I get the new air filter, I might get a spark plug for it too.  

I also sharpened the blade.  I couldn't find my grinder wrench, so I ended up using the cutoff wheel that was on it.  It didn't like it, but oh well. 

I also ran the snowblower out of gas.  Apparently when it is 65 out though, you can't just idle it.  It overheated (I assume, I can't think of any other reason it randomly died) when there was still a third of a tank in it.  I finished running it out Sunday.  The tank was mostly full since the last time it snowed I filled it and only got one or two passes at the top of the driveway before it broke the shear-pin and got wedged.

I also went and tested the chainsaw that I had just sharpened.  It cuts again, but I apparently did a pretty lousy job sharpening it, it still cuts far worse than it did before I hit the rock.  I might bring it with me next time I visit Barry or Dad to see if they can show me what I did wrong.  The trunk of the tree that fell down is on the ground though.  It fell where I expected it to, so I apparently cut the wedge and whatnot correctly.  It is the first tree I have ever cut down.  

I also pulled out my bike and started to give it a tune up, but there is something wrong with the ratchet shifters.  Last year I just oiled them, worked them a lot and they started (mostly) working again.  This year no such luck.  They aren't grabbing so I can't shift up, only down.  It might be time to bring it in and get them replaced.

Sunday I was pretty lazy.  I did my spring cleaning since it was warm enough that my windows were open.  I didn't really do much until early afternoon.  So instead I finished assembling the generator box.  It is pretty much done.  I left the spare T1-11 down in KY and only brought the pieces back, but I apparently never cut a bottom so I just used a chunk of MDF I had lying around.  All that is left is putting the screw eyes in so it can be attached and locked to the bumper of the camper and some sealing/reinforcement if it is necessary.  I might do those anyways just because I already have the parts.

I went to put the snowblower in the back, but it didn't fit (right in front of the snowshoes).  I might need to rearrange the carport a little to get things to fit, since the things like the power center framing is just sitting in front of the tractor.  Since I haven't picked up a new riding mower yet though I have plenty of space left.

I started to enumerate this summer's projects, but haven't completed it yet.

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