Thursday, March 11, 2021

Short update, pretty quiet.

I went out for the weekend last weekend.  I haven't really done much noteworthy, just some cleaning up in the shed, reconnecting the power, that kind of stuff.  It has been really nice the last couple of days so I have been spending my time outside instead of working on projects.

It is now official, fiber is coming to Sullivan.  I went to the town wide meeting last night to vote for it, though based on the result it was never in doubt (64 for, 4 against).  I was a little concerned because quite frankly I might have been the youngest person there and definitely in the top 5 youngest (about a third of the town was there), and over half the people there were past retirement age and probably would be fine with crappy satellite or DSL.  Apparently it is only the FCC and Congress that don't want people to have decent internet access.  

On the topic of internet access, Starlink is now available in NH (that is the new satellite internet from SpaceX, LEO instead of GEO so it doesn't suck).  It is more expensive than fiber; much higher up front equipment costs, and costs more per month for less service.  The real deal killer at the moment though is that it is very explicit in their terms of service that it isn't mobile and is only allowed to be used at the registered address.  It was originally a potential option for use while travelling in a camper (once they complete designing dishes that aren't enormous), but their TOS blocks that use case.

I will probably do some work on the shed window tonight, since if I don't get it installed tonight and sealed in tomorrow, the colder weather returns this weekend, and snow returns next week.  You can use silicone caulk in the cold, but I would rather it be warmer for it (it adheres better when it is warmer) and the spray foam filler around the edges also works a lot better when it is warmer.

As far as the snow watch goes, Keene is about 25% coverage (only shady areas and piles still have snow), but Sullivan is still around 85%.  My driveway is clear, and some of the rock piles are starting to clear, but otherwise I still have ground coverage.

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