Sunday, May 17, 2020

Today was all about finishing.

Last night after I posted, I didn't really do much.  I finished assembling the last rack before bed and that was about it.

This morning I reversed the door and hung it up.  Now both cabinets to the right of the stove open into the kitchen.  It isn't quite large enough to hold all my ziplocks.  Oh well.  I will probably just put the ones I commonly use in it.

I also installed the boards I painted yesterday, and sealed so nothing will get in behind the boards from either side.  There was a little bit of mildew on a couple of the boards around the window.  I guess I waited too long to get it finished.  It wasn't bad though I am not worried about it spreading inside. 

I then switched to working on the trench.  I started off digging up the rock that broke my old shovel.  It was apparently just the shovel's time to die, that is a pretty wimpy rock. 

I got the trench finished.  The previous part was full of water.

It is now all running away.  I sure taught that water who was boss...

I am not sure if it is deep enough, I may need to dig a little bit deeper, but I need to let it drain out and find the pipe first.  We are supposed to get more rain tonight.  If it is deep enough, it will be dry enough Tuesday or Wednesday to run the rest of the pipe.  I have all the materials on hand to finish it.

Next up was digging out the cooler.  My drain plug still works apparently.  I did actually break it off though, it isn't on the little flippy thing anymore (it used to be).

I intended to hose out the cooler, so I got my hose all set up.  I couldn't find my nozzle though (it should have been right next to the hose reel) so we will have to hose it down when I get down there. 

I will also bring down some stick on foam since I noticed the front of the cooler is bowed a little likely from being full of water which froze over the winter.  A little foam should at least allow it to seal and keep the efficiency up.  Or you can just take the hinges and fix yours, I don't care.  I have used this cooler twice since I moved to NH: when the fridge in the apartment died, and when I moved out of the apartment to the tiny home. 

Then I went on to the trailer.  I got the license plate holder built.  I couldn't build it the way I originally planned to since I didn't a have a vise and couldn't get this to bend.  I guess the flat stock I got was thicker than I needed...

I did get all the pieces cut out and drilled out though.  It will look like this when I get it installed.

Before that though I intend to repaint it.  I ended up using more material than originally planned and part of it wasn't painted yet.  I got the primer done, I will paint it tomorrow (you are supposed to wait a day before painting). 

I will pick up the parts needed to finish the table when I go out shopping tonight.  I will probably put out more dunks tomorrow after the rain since the black flies were eating me alive today.  Bug season is upon us.  We are supposed to be flirting with the 80s when I get back from KY, so maybe they won't live long.  It would be a disappointingly short spring in that event though. 

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