Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Getting ready

Today I didn't get much done outside despite being a fabulous day, but I did get a few things done outside. 

I took a quick gander at the trench.  There was one place where it obviously was still pooling, so I dug that out a bit more. 

I also painted the license plate holder for the trailer.  I might get that installed tomorrow.

In addition, I got a couple of indoor tasks done.  I got my video card swapped out (I can hear Matt saying "finally!" as I write this...).  The new one is a lot bigger than the old one. 

My drivers and everything were new enough (for a change) so everything just worked.  Bonus points if you can name that movie.

I also finally got everything completely changed over to the new phone.  The internet feels faster on it, but it still struggles when tethered.  I can upload full size pictures on the blog now, but it still takes a long time for google to load hangouts and stuff like that.  I still can't load more than one webpage at a time.  The speedtest I ran on the phone was a little disappointing, even if it was a lot better than the old phone.  I kinda wish they reported ping, because the phone doesn't feel like 8/1.25 speeds.  That is theoretically faster than the cable I started out with in the apartment (which was 8/1) but it doesn't even feel close to that.

Perhaps soon I will write a more complete review of the phone.  The short version is if I had bought the phone new I wouldn't be pleased with it, but it is a notable upgrade from its predecessor.  A lot of my gripes with the phone I knew about beforehand too and bought it anyways. 

I also added a tab for charge controllers for the camper battery, though I haven't filled it in yet.  Today at work was hectic and I didn't get a ton of free time.  Perhaps tomorrow.


  1. Replies
    1. Right genre, wrong movie. That is Gumball Rally, the Cobra and the Ferrari. Towards the end when they approach Rosco's last speed trap.
