Tuesday, August 6, 2019

New Stove Arrived

The new stove was delivered today.  It is all shiny and clean.

I will probably hook it up tonight after trivia.  Unfortunately the gas company screwed me again, so I decided to change who was in charge of getting me propane.  I am now going with Dead River Company instead of Discount Oil.  I want an office that I can walk into and get results.  The address for Discount Oil it turns out doesn't actually seem to exist.

I still had a dead grill in the metal pile, so I think I might take the regulator out of it and hook up a grill tank to my propane so that I can use it.  The regulator can't provide enough to run the water heater (though I am mildly curious what would happen if I tried) but it should run the stove.

As an amusing anecdote, I also showered at home today since I stayed home for the stove delivery, and forgot to watch the time.  They were done setting up the stove around 9:50, so shortly after they left, I went in for a shower.  My water system backflushes at 10AM though, so I got my hair all lathered up and then had to wait 25 minutes for the backflush to complete, which of course completely emptied the pressure tank several times, so the water when it finished was all 40 degrees, and made the rest of the shower rather frigid.  I had hoped to shower before the water got too cold, since the pressure tank is inside and the water when I first started to shower was well into the 60s and while cold for a shower, wasn't intolerable.  D'oh.

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