Sunday, May 21, 2017

Slab cleared off.

The slab part of the cleanup is done.  It is a good thing I got a 15 yard (a 10 wasn't available) since I filled more of it than I expected.  A good portion of the leaves had blown off before I took this picture, so hopefully the rest of them will vacate the premises before tomorrow.

I even picked up the back yard which had styrofoam blown into it again.  It really needs mowing, which I plan to do tomorrow, though this section isn't really mowable with either the push mower (which I still haven't fixed) or the tractor.

The dumpster is perhaps a touch over half full.

The only garbage remaining up on the slab is one of the old mattresses.  I left it on its side to drain.  It was so badly waterlogged I almost couldn't lift it this morning.  And despite being in the sun with a breeze all day, it was still draining enough water to leave a puddle.

I will probably finish filling it tomorrow when I go to cleanup the old foundation.  I also got the discharge chute for the mower.  I started to install it, but it came with no instructions, and while I figured out how everything needed to go so that the spring was loaded correctly and so on, it was being a real pain so I figured I would look up some directions online.  It turns out you are supposed to remove the bolted clip on the deck to install it, which would make it a whole lot easier.

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