Sunday, April 2, 2017

Mother nature wins again.

So I went up to the property today with the snowblower.  I only got the end of the driveway and around the mailbox done.  Apparently the ground didn't refreeze like I thought it had, and snowblowing was an exercise in frustration.  A few feet into the driveway  the snowblower sank into the mud.  So I pulled it out, moved over a few feet, started to go again, and it sank into the mud.  Snowblowers don't work too well when they are buried in mud.

In the end, I only got about the first five or six feet done, but hopefully with the nice temps and sunshine coming this week, it will be melted off by weeks end.  I was able to drive my truck up the hill, but turning around didn't work so well, I ended up sliding part way down the hill sideways.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to that. I dented my Blazer doing the same thing.
