Monday, April 13, 2020

Lazy Sunday.

I didn't really do much on Sunday.  I got a little bit more of the trailer work done.  I am a little curious why the other side was in worse shape than the first side I did.  But the back is all done now.  I stopped because I ran out of primer.  I guess three cans wasn't enough.

I also did a little poking around on the setup, but nothing really notable.  Sunday is also when I do my weekly chores, so I did those, and also went out for a bit since it was really nice out, albeit windy.

Since it was miserable outside today, I decided to spend my lunch break in the lab instead of going out for a walk.  I confirmed that the power meter does in fact still work.  I did notice that it doesn't appear to like a gradual climb.  If I set the voltage to 0 on the power supply and then ramped it up, the power meter wouldn't come on, but if I set it and then just hit the button, everything worked.  I tested it with a single 10Ω resistor, and it worked.  If I continue to have trouble I might put an inline switch on it.

I also had a little bit of extra time to do some wiring harness work.  I grabbed a third 10Ω resistor, which will bring my BAR setup down to 3.33Ω.  The optimal resistance according to the datasheet for my panel is 3.68Ω.  I also put spade bits and receptors on the meter and the resistor, so it isn't all wire-nutted together.  This should make it more reliable and easier to set up and take down.

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