Friday, November 4, 2016

Preliminary results in

I went up to the property today during my lunch break, and scoped things out.  It appears that the concrete set, but didn't seem to grip liked I hoped it would.  I had hoped it would stick to the heavy clay a lot better than it did, but oh well.  I can move the post with my hand without too much trouble.  But it will do fine until it starts to lean, so I finished burying the post in.  Now just to cut it and install the mailbox.

I got a good look at the trailer today.  I am not impressed with how the rust converter came out.  Interestingly enough, it looks great on the rustier parts that I covered, but a lot of the frame wasn't rusted, and on the spots that had just started to get a tiny bit of surface or weren't rusted at all, it didn't come out well.

For a head to head comparison against what I did with the wire wheel and paint.  I like the wire wheel job better.

I will withhold judgement until spring though.  If it doesn't look any worse come spring, then it still did its job.  It is also just a primer, it is meant to be painted.  If it looks crappy or rust starts to come through it, I can deal with it in the spring.

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