Despite the miserable weather moving my efforts indoors, I managed to get a fair amount of work done today, though not as much as I had hoped. I kept getting distracted. I got my car cleaned out (well, kinda, the stuff was taken out, it still looks like a mess). I also got my second bedroom organized a bit so I have a place to work now that I am transitioning to working indoors for the winter.
I did get the rest of the framing done for the roof for the AC cover. This is the underside, and you can see all the rafters and the lip to hold it on are installed now.
Unfortunately things were a bit tighter than I would have liked, so I spaced out the lip boards and will have to trim them. Annoying, but not a big deal.
I got the plywood for the roof cut and installed.
I wanted to get the fiberglass on, but at this point I have run out of time, and not to mention someone didn't read the package...
In my defense though, I was only doing a 38" x 40" space, I thought one package would be more than sufficient.
All I have left to get done before taking off tomorrow morning is a trip up to the property to drop a bunch of stuff off, which might get delayed since we got a lot more snow than we were supposed to, and just packing things up. I intend to go out to Albany tomorrow, spend the day with Aunt and Uncle, and then stay the evening at Mike's.