I also brought up my propane tank and tested the free grill I got off Craigslist. They said it needed new burners and hardware, but everything lit right, and I didn't see any massive glaring problems with the burners. Everything looked perfectly fine and easily usable.
I still hate these kinds of grates.
I also completed the rafters today, all of them are now hanging. I just need to get the H1-ties for the bottoms and make sure everything is lined up, and then start putting on furring strips.
Since I ran out of materials and stuff to do, I also did a bit more mowing tonight until it got dark. Got another part of it done.
I am still debating on what to do about the overhang. Some people will hang another set of rafters and then just put interconnects back to the triangle rafter, some don't. Don't is much easier, but I am not sure how well it will survive the wind if I don't. I have a foot of overhang on both the front and back.
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