Tuesday, March 8, 2016

No fire, but no power either

I brought my power test kit with me today during lunch.

I also located the the grounding stakes.  There were actually three of them, one a little further away.

When I saw the black wires running across the ground, I got my hopes up, but these are just coax for cable, I found where they end near the pole.

For some reason I thought I had seen a 100A double breaker, but there were only two 20A breakers.  Strangely there is no main on the box either.

If you look at the paper on the door, those are supposedly not hooked up.  The breakers for the outlets on the panel had been removed, which didn't make sense.

The inside of the box was a disaster.  This was taken after cleaning several fistfulls of crap out of it.  I am hoping that the unconnected wires are the ones that run up to the slab, but I didn't have time at lunch today to check.

The meter itself seemed to be in an infinite rebooting loop.  Not sure if it is because there was nothing hooked up or not.

As you might guess, I was unable to make the lamp light up, no combination of breakers seemed to do anything.  I am still debating whether or not I should have an electrician come out and install a new box.  I can't figure out why there was so much crap in the box, the latch on the door worked fine and was closed, and while the seal on the panel cover was crap, it wouldn't have allowed leaves in.  I was also unable to confirm whether or not there was actually power there (my multimeter would probably explode if I probed the 110 lines directly), so I am at a bit of a loss.  Personally I am not sure how much I like the idea of playing around in the box with no main breaker on the box.

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