Saturday, March 26, 2016

2 up, 2 to go.

First off:  happy birthday dad!

So I had some help today (thanks again, Tim), which allowed me to get two of the walls sheathed and standing.  Here is the front wall:

The side wall is standing as well.

I have everything I need for the other two walls, though I am one sheet short.  I cleaned out everything Home Depot had down and available though.  I will pick up another one tomorrow.

One of my coworkers had a generator that he wasn't actively using, so I borrowed it until I get an electrician out there (yes, I am slacking on that, I know).  It is very nice and complete overkill for what I need, it barely blipped when the saw started or my air compressor started up.

All covered up.  I figured it would be safer out there than sitting in the back of my truck.  Plus it saves me from having to lift in and out of my truck.

It may be a cheap one from Harbor Freight, but this was worth every penny on it.  My new framing nailer works quite well.  A couple of hiccups, but no major issues.  It is a bit bulky and unwieldy (it is a cheap one after all), but had no problems driving in the siding nails.  I need to work on my aim with it a bit, I put a lot of nails in at an angle that I thought should have been straight, but that will come with practice.

Since tomorrow is Easter Sunday, I probably won't be able to enlist much help tomorrow, but I can probably get the other long wall sheathed, assembled, and ready.  I will have to come up with an "interesting" tarping solution (it is supposed to rain Monday) but after Monday I might be able to grab some help after work to finish standing up the side wall.  I will need help to stand up the other long wall, but the final back wall I might be crazy/stupid enough to try on my own if help isn't readily available

1 comment:

  1. That is a monster generator! No wonder it didn't slow down any. You could run a whole house on it and have power left over!
