Thursday, August 29, 2024

Window beat into submission.

So as is the way, I spent more time yesterday working on the stupid cap.  I bolted the frame back together.

I also gorilla taped the piss out of the hinge.  Hopefully this holds.

Then it was time to wash it.  It didn't seem to help the exterior at all, this looks exactly the same as it did before being washed.

It did however greatly and significantly helped the interior.  

I didn't quite think things through though.  I didn't really have a good way to get the soap out.  Oops.  I ended up diluting it a bunch with plain water, and then just oh well, the water runs out when driving.  There is still some dried soap in the back.  

The rock was already clean though, so I have a new doorstop in the guest room.

Last up was doing laundry.  I finished up the packing last night.  I needed nearly every stitch of clothing I owned.  On the plus side, I did find a brand new pair of shorts and a pack of shirts I didn't know that I had when I was pillaging the depths of my closet.

I was rightfully concerned about the amount of freezer space.  For now, I just have them both set for freezer, but don't have a plan for the fridge stuff.  I will figure that out when I get to KY.

I also ended up rebagging most of the frozen sandwiches.  They were either already split open, or full of air, and as alluded to above, I have maybe 2 square centimeters of extra freezer space.

I missed this on the to do list, but I also downloaded all the park maps and whatnot into my phone.  

One non-trip related comment: something that came in the mail yesterday saying they were reassessing the value of my home, even after they just reassessed it last year because of the new house.  Apparently though, the new valuation is a huuuge increase.  I am kind of torn on it.  On one hand, there is no way the place went up 50-75% in value in one year.  There is also no possible way that the buildings are worth $180k.  Especially considering that I paid $120k for the house, and they don't normally appreciate.  On the other hand, I am confident I could sell it for the value that they have listed on the form ($285k).  

This all but completes the packing.  I do need to run back at lunch to halt my mail (which was also missing from the list) and I am going to put the monitors in a bag before I put them in the truck, since the cardboard had been chewed.  I banged on the cardboard and no mice came out, so I don't think they are living in them now, but I would prefer to minimize smell since it will be in the back with all my food.  

Here is what is left before the trip (new mini checklist):
  • Make Grand Teton Reservations
  • Run to the Dump
  • Install the cap
  • Clean the inside of the cap and back of truck
  • Pack hiking gear
  • Laundry (I also have some shirts that need spot stain removal)
  • Pack clothes
  • Grab monitors from the shed for Mike
  • Close up house, tiny home, and shed.
  • Put a hold on my mail.
  • Load truck

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