Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The cap window fights back.

Yesterday was pretty busy.  I did the dump run yesterday during work.  After work it was time to install the cap.  Turns out the wood for the sawhorses has shrunk, and the beams are sagging a little now, so the cap sits lower now than when I took it off; my truck won't just drive underneath it anymore.  

It also looks like the JB Weld never cured.  Surprisingly it held up though.  The window didn't sag when I unlatched it.  I will reinforce it with gorilla tape or something before I leave.  Dew had already settled when I got to this point last night.

I learned something new about my truck.  The automatic diff lock doesn't work worth a damn, but I can manually lock it.  Not sure how I missed that button for the last couple years...  I have had my truck for 2 years now.  The driving mode knob is also a button.  I saw the diff symbol on the knob and assumed that the locking was controlled by the mode, since several of them do lock it.

So I put some wood blocks under the beams to raise it up and drove underneath it.  I tried to put the cap on myself by basically standup up underneath the cap and then trying to push the beams out, but I couldn't quite get the beams all the way out.

So I grabbed Anx, and got it on.  

When I rebuilt it, I added about an inch to the base so that the window would actually close over top of my obnoxious tailgate.  It clears on the side that wasn't broken, but courtesy of the window breaking, the other side didn't clear.

So I just took my pliers and broke the bottom lip off.  

Apparently the window didn't like that and then proceeded to completely fall apart.  I will have to get some bolts at work and put it back together.  Grrr.

I wedged it together and took it out around the block.  Twice, because I am a noob and left my pliers on the bumper, which fell off, so I made a second loop to try to find them.  I couldn't find them in the dark though.

I also continued on the packing.  I got the hiking stuff packed (not pictured), a spillover backpack for toiletry refills and whatnot, and started packing laundry, though I didn't finish it, since I will be running another load of laundry tonight.  

I also washed my new doorstop for the guest room with all my dishes, so everything is clean when I leave.

Apparently I made all the animals curious this morning.  

On a positive note though, I did find my pliers this morning.  I had a pretty good idea where they were; I heard something when I was making the loop, and while I couldn't identify the sound at the time, when I noticed the pliers were gone (the other pair was still on the bumper when I got back) it became clear what the sound was.

I wanted to bring the cap down to the car wash and hose it out last night, but got caught in the window shenanigans instead.  I will fix the window at lunch (and probably reinforce it) and head over to the car wash after work instead.  Then it is just start loading things up.

Here is what is left before the trip (new mini checklist):
  • Make Grand Teton Reservations
  • Run to the Dump
  • Install the cap
  • Clean the inside of the cap and back of truck
  • Pack hiking gear
  • Laundry (I also have some shirts that need spot stain removal)
  • Pack clothes
  • Grab monitors from the shed for Mike
  • Load truck

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