Monday, January 22, 2024

Frigid weekend, technical issues.

There haven't been any posts in the past week primarily because of technical issues.  Randomly last week my phone decided it wasn't going to talk USB, which makes getting the pictures off it a lot more difficult.  I have also had pretty much every computer I have at work break down which doesn't help, since I frequently write the posts while I am in meetings.

In addition to all that, I haven't really done much.  The past week has been really frigid temperature-wise. We did get a few more inches of snow on Tuesday.  I went to improve the gorilla tape patch and learned that gorilla tape doesn't work in the cold.  It came off almost immediately.  

Since it wasn't that deep, I just decided I would drive over it.  It has turned everything into ice and I now require 4WD to get up my driveway though.  

Because of the aforementioned computer issues, I sketched up a quick camper concept while I was watching IT not fix anything.

Saturday was brutally cold, not even making it out of single digits so I didn't do anything outside.  Sunday wasn't quite as frigid though, so I decided to do something.  I got the tractor unstuck, since it had frozen into the ground again, basically pushing it out with the bucket.  

I didn't get a good picture, but I at least cleared down by the road with the bucket on the tractor before my fingers got numb.

I left the tailgate of my truck open all day, so the sun melted a lot of the snow out of it.

Once my fingers warmed back up (and after a slightly unplanned nap), I also got the discharge chute removed and brought inside so it will warm up enough to repair.  I go shopping tonight and will pick up a piece of something to repair it and make it a bit more solid then just tape.

The last thing I did Sunday was more formally draw up and measure the camper plans.  Man building a truck camper is really tight for space.  This is the floorplan.

This is what the kitchen side would look like.  

And the bed side.  I am not sure what I would do with the space at the back, but I would still need a place for the heater and Jackery and whatnot.  

It was designed so that it would sit inside the bedrails of the truck, and the tailgate would close.  This eliminates the need to remove the tailgate (or allows me to use the tailgate kind of like a porch).  Sitting inside the bedrails minimizes the funny angles I need for aerodynamic purposes.  If I need to, I could remove the tailgate and make the floorplan maybe a foot longer without increasing the footprint of my truck (my truck already doesn't fit in parking spaces).  For simplicity sake, I am planning on making it basically a box.  The only angles are the part over the cab.  I intend to use extruded aluminum to build the frame, and then skin it with aluminum on the outside, and 1/4" plywood on the inside.

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