Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Another domino down.

My meeting with the town was last night about the building permit.  For once, everything went smoothly.  The new selectman actually kind of knew what they were talking about when I handed in the paperwork (and they actually filled in the missing pieces from my file).  They handed the packet around, and each of them signed it.  Only a couple of minor questions.  So that was refreshing.  

I worked remotely in the afternoon yesterday after my truck went in.  They once again failed to fix the seat, though they claim they know what is wrong with it this time, and they have ordered a new spring kit for it.  

While I was waiting for the selectman meeting, I found a use for my stove and fixed the tractor flood light.  It just needed the magnets put back in place and the bottom glued back on.  Some of the cooling fins are bent, but I don't think it will be a problem.  

I have the building permit.  I still need to get a hold of the bank and set up that meeting, and then get moving with FineLine Homes.  Given the lead times, I really need to have all that in motion by the end of the month. 

Winter projects:
  • Knock down the dead knotweed. 
  • Winterize equipment.  Fire up the generator
  • Get the building permit.
  • Complete detailed house plans.
  • Get contractors in place.  
  • Get the plan/schedule in place. 
  • Design future method of travel.  Consider building the prototype.
  • Shed floor.
  • Shed windows.
  • Fix generator box.  Decide/do something about power center.
  • Clear/mark walking trails.

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