Thursday, January 28, 2021

First night snow clearing.

 We got some snow the other night.  I am very glad I got the extra light.  The headlights on the tractor are just barely adequate for driving it at night, clearing snow wouldn't be pleasant with them alone.  The extra light however is awesome.  I don't even have to use the night mode on my phone camera to take pictures with it.

We got 6" (yay for 2-4"...).  I was able to drive over it, and was tempted to just clear the bank at the end, but looking at the forecast, it isn't going to melt down pretty much at all before the next storm moves in next week around Groundhog's day.  So I went and did the whole driveway.  It only took about an hour, maybe a touch longer  I even did the parking spot at the bottom, which I had previously neglected.

I have noticed that I am using the rear blade more each time, and this time I came across another issue.  Apparently the rear blade when it is loaded up, it will toss the back end of the tractor if you hit a block of ice.  I also really need to tighten up my 3 point hitch, it has a lot of sway in it.

I even did the middle part this time.  I did most of it with the blade, and it only dug in a few spots.

The only part I didn't do was where the truck was parked.  I will park the truck on the other side tonight and finish it up.

I made an oops when I was pushing snow out of the carport.  Sigh.

During the week, I made a couple of doodles on possible expansions of the tiny home, mostly just to pass the time (and as part of the sales pitch when I go to sell it).  This one looks really easy to do.

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