Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Can finally walk in like a normal house.

I got the rest of the insulation for it and another piece of the flooring installed.  You can walk in normally now.  You may also notice that I finally snapped off the extra shim wood so the door opens completely.  It was annoying me.

I had a slight issue with the screws not pulling it down tight, so in a couple of spots I had to upgrade to a more aggressive screw.

It isn't perfectly flush either.  That might make the flooring installation a bit more challenging.  I still don't intend to put down an underlay though.  This is in the carpeted area, where it is less of an issue.

Looking at the end that was cut off, this might have something to do with it...

I also started to fill in the remaining gaps in the wall insulation that I bought the spray foam for.  I got the first can in.

I had a few visitors today.  The first one was too far out to get a picture of, but the second one came in closer, even with the shop vac running.

It doesn't blow up nice, but it is more legible at the lower res.

I did some minor cleaning as well.  I did some testing on the plumbing, and even with a heat shield, the underbelly melted and I almost lit the welding pad on fire.  I need to figure that out soonish though since the gas line is preventing further floor installation at this point.  I also can start looking at flooring and paneling.  I looked at a bunch of them online, but want to look at them in the store to get a feel for rigidity, weight, and so on.

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