Friday, July 26, 2024

Stuff is arriving.

I went out Thursday and picked up the entertainment center.  It is waaaay too big for the bedroom (this is over 5' tall on its side), so I think I am going to replace my broken one in the living room with it.  I ordered a shorter one for the bedroom.

It is built surprisingly sturdy.  And heavy.  Yes, that is laminated MDF and real plywood.

I also went and picked up my new faucets at lunch.  They have been put in the closet with abandoned... err... I mean delayed projects like the whole house filter.

My new UPS also arrived. I also picked up a few other power things.  I used to have a little power thing that plugged in and allowed you to plug big wall warts in without blocking outlets, but I still haven't found it, so I bought a power squid.  The last thing is just a flat extension cord to bring outlets out from the wall when behind stuff.  When I put a work bench in the third room I will likely need it.

This morning the stuff continued to come in.  I had barely gotten out of bed when they delivered the dumpster.  It was barely 7AM.  

During work I started jotting down notes about my next build, mostly because I was curious how I would lay out a truck cabin and stuff.  This is still easily several years out, but my meetings this morning wouldn't seem to end.

After work today, I decided to go for a hike.  This time I went up the Pitcher Mountain fire tower.  It is a nice short hike, but unlike Otter Brook, involves vertical.  The first viewpoint overlooks a field.  It was kind of hazy out (though it didn't feel humid), but felt really nice.  

At the top. 

You could still windmills in the distance. 

The fire tower itself is currently under construction/renovation which is why the views aren't great.

I don't recall them charging for blueberries in the past, but I guess this is how they are paying for the renovation.  It is being by a conservatory, not the state, so while I would assume there is some state funding, it isn't likely covering all of it.  I don't know that for sure though.  

This weekend is supposed to be nice, so I will hopefully get a bunch of stuff done.  It has been a while since I had a good productive weekend, and there aren't a lot of them left before my vacation in September.

Current to-do:
  • Design deck
  • Build deck
  • Build armoire.
  • Install whole house filter.
  • Refurb cap
  • Access panel upgrades in master closet
  • Back yard drainage.
  • Insulate the water lines
  • Take scrap metal to Buffum.  Clean up trash.
  • Close up tiny home.  Seal up plumbing.
  • Storm doors

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