Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Lazy rainy weekend

The weekend wasn't terribly productive.  The biggest thing is that I finished the armoire, the back is attached, both glued and nailed.  The only thing left is the hooks for the coats.

I did clean up the glue dribble in the top left.

Saturday was kind of rainy.  Didn't seem to bother the family of turkeys though.

Even though it was supposed to move out in the morning, the storms persisted well into the afternoon.  Including the one little storm which of course naturally hit Sullivan.  

So I mostly did indoors type stuff, catching up on chores, stuff like that.  I did rearrange the front a bit to how I envisioned it.  This empties out the second bedroom a little bit, so I can turn it into a more proper guest room.  A lot of the seasonal storage will end up in there too.  This in turn allows me to free up the third bedroom for either a remote office, or an indoor workshop.

Sunday got a slow start.  It looked kind of gloomy in the morning but it stayed dry.  I basically waited until the afternoon and then caught up on outdoor chores like mowing.  The front is done, though my mower has developed a new problem.   It has started bogging really badly (and occasionally backfiring it sounds like) when the drive is working hard (i.e. going up a steep slope) or if I turn on the deck before it is completely warmed up.  It is kind of strange.  Once it warms up completely, it lessens, but isn't completely gone.  But as long as it survives the season, I am not sure I care.  This rider has already outlived its price point.

The other big task for Sunday was wood.  Anx came up to take some of the pine logs out.  Let's just say that the logs won this round.  I sunk my splitting maul into it a half dozen times, the axe a few times, and the log was still laughing at me.  Considering it is pine, that is kind of sad.  I expected it to pop right apart, the wood has been sitting since last year.  Apparently it has been too wet of late though or something.

Also annoying is that apparently a bunch of ground hornets or something took up residence in the pile of wood and I got stung a half dozen times.  I think I might need a new plan of attack for the pile of wood.  

After that miserable failure, I went and helped Anx move some furniture.

I went shopping last night and got the hooks for the armoire to hang coats.  Currently the coats are just plopped in there.  Interestingly the selection of hooks (and price) were better at Walmart than Home Depot.  It is supposed to be stormy today and tomorrow, but then clear out for a while.  I might also call today to get a dumpster delivered today.  

Current to-do:
  • Design deck
  • Build deck
  • Build armoire.
  • Install whole house filter.
  • Refurb cap
  • Access panel upgrades in master closet
  • Back yard drainage.
  • Insulate the water lines
  • Take scrap metal to Buffum
  • Close up tiny home.  Seal up plumbing.
  • Storm doors

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