Monday, August 23, 2021

Unexpected progress.

I didn't do much during the week, but I did briefly take a look at getting a cheap electric commuter.  The intent of this would be to take a lot of the miles off the truck when I get around to replacing it.  I have been looking at e-bikes and electric motorcycles primarily, since they are among the few things that you can recharge overnight on a 110V 15A outlet, and don't cost an arm and a leg.  In the end though, it turns out that it really isn't much cheaper to stretch the life of the new truck out an extra few years, mostly because my research indicated that most cheaper electric motorcycles and e-bikes have a very limited life.  It isn't always the battery that is expected to die either, e-bikes apparently have cheap hub motors that normally don't survive much past 10k miles, which means I would have to rebuild/replace it every couple of years.  The full analysis is at:

I might still pick up an e-bike just as a toy with the benefit of it being a cheap commuter.  If it turns out that rebuilding them isn't that bad, I might give it a longer-term shot.  They don't look overly complicated, barely moreso than a bicycle.  Famous last words though.  It will be nice to have a backup when I have to drop off the truck and stuff like that too.  It might serve as a backup until I get a newer and hopefully more reliable truck too since my truck has been at Bob's for stupid crap too many times the last several months.

I originally didn't expect to make any progress this weekend due to Henri, but the hurricane decided to make the forecasters look foolish instead of flooding NH.
I didn't feel too great on Saturday, but I managed to drag myself out and get some stuff in the not rain.  It was really miserable out Saturday, but I still managed to get the side of the shed that hadn't come apart nailed in with actual framing nails.  I beat all the existing nails with the biggest non-sledge hammer I have and then put in new framing nails with the nailer.  I got most of the end pulled back in too.

The damage on the other side extends all the way to the front.  The ramps are right next to the wire rack on the front wall.  I don't have enough space to move everything, so I will have to move a bunch of the stuff outside to do the repairs.  

I think I will just get a few PT 2x4s, nail them together into a beam, and then slide it underneath the shed to the edge and jack up the shed on it.  The weight of the shed should be enough to coerce the joists back into place, and the flooring should prevent them from wandering.  Hopefully the loft is enough to prevent the walls from caving or shifting while jacking, since the wall is the stop.  I can reuse the beam to replace the center supports too when I am finished.  

I also got motivated Saturday night to finally fix the plumbing in the bathroom.  While it hasn't really been that awful using the kitchen sink instead of the bathroom sink for washing hands and brushing my teeth, it is kind of nice to have it working again. The fix was a redneck special.  I got a polyethylene PVC cementable adapter to go into the PVC, and then gorilla taped the crap out of the joint where that meets the non-cementable drain kit (on a horizontal run, the friction fitting wouldn't remain water tight for long).  I am not proud of it, but it is water tight again, at least for now.  I really ought to replace the vanity and drain kit with one that doesn't suck, but I might worry about that later.  The flex pipe really didn't like the extra side distance it had to travel because of the new adapter, but oh well, I got it on.  As much as I hate PVC, I would rather have gotten a drain that could be used with PVC instead of this cheap polyethylene garbage.

Sunday was wet and drizzly, with the occasional gust of wind.  I didn't do much, mostly preparing for my trip.  I pulled my suitcase out of the shed, and thankfully there were no mice in it (mothballs for the win!) got it cleaned up, and started packing.  I won't be around the rest of the week, I am going on vacation to Colorado so no posts for a little while.

The shed floor is now in progress.  Given the lack of nice weekends pretty much all year this year, I am debating getting one of those portable garages from Harbor freight to store the stuff I take out the shed temporarily.  I could in theory use it on the slab in the summer to house work in progress as well.  Interesting thought at any rate.  

2021 Projects:
  • Shed supports
  • Table
  • South wall siding
  • Review options for house (mobile home vs stick built vs modular)
  • Level back yard
  • Level front yard 
  • Remove dead/dying beech trees
  • Eliminate pile of crap in back
  • Camper Power Center (portable AC power source and generator)
  • Baffle box
  • Driveway round three
  • Fix shed floor.

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