Monday, August 16, 2021

Power center basic functionality complete.

I didn't get much done over the week.  I did bring my truck in.  The rims look nicer again.  More importantly, I don't have to keep the air compressor in the truck any more.  Surprisingly it makes the truck handle a lot better too.  It no longer pulls hard to the right too, which is nice, it drives almost perfectly straight again.  It is amazing how much difference tires and rims make.  

I got the truck cleaned out and can even carry a passenger again in my 4 door pickup.

I also got the cables done during the week.

Saturday started off kind of wet and not nice, so I didn't do do much.  It cleared out in the afternoon though, so I started off with the power center.
I still don't know what these are, but this time I knew to look for them.  I brought out a lighter and torched them out.  

The cables are attached, and are even long enough that I can open and close the lid.  

I would still like to create some sort of protector for these so they aren't exposed.  It would not be a good thing to cause a short on the bus bars.

I also got the new light on the trailer installed.  It is now ready to haul to KY once I drop the boat off it.

Sunday was really nice.  I started off with testing the power center.  It tested ok, or at least to the extent that I could test it.  The battery charger came on and the batteries should be topped off.  I don't have a significant enough load to fully test its capabilities though.  I had another thought: I will need a new way to hold the batteries in place.  I was originally planning on just strapping them together, but with the terminals coming out the sides, that won't work.

I might investigate trying to attach the cords vertically.  The batteries came with these, I never looked at them because they aren't the right size for the lugs, but I can fix that with a bigger washer if needed; it isn't the post that carries the current.  

Annoyingly, I can't lift it to slide it off while the batteries are in it; I couldn't lift the back to get it on the bedliner.  It is too heavy, so I have to disassemble it to move it.  

This got me thinking: since the original desired generator is no longer available, I have decided on a larger generator (large enough to run everything but the microwave and AC at the same time) the need for the power center is diminished somewhat.  The new chosen generator is also dual-fuel; I won't have to worry about it running out of fuel halfway through the day (where I would just use the battery instead for the other half) since I can just hook up dual 20 or 30lb tanks.  If I decide it just isn't worth the hassle, I might be willing to part with it: it would make an amazing off grid solar kit.

Most of the rest of Sunday was spent enjoying the dropping humidity and 70s.  I got my bike out again and rode around town some.  I had some visitors shortly after I got home though.  A mom and her kid.  Good to know they haven't been completely scared away by all the construction going on nearby.

I had hoped to start on the shed, but got lazy and didn't.  I am not sure if I am ready to call the power complete, since I am not sure I would trust driving down the road with it in the back of my truck as is.  I think I will see this fall when I take it on a trip whether it is worth the hassle or if just a generator in a baffle box is sufficient.  I might decide it takes up too much space in the bed, or drops the rear end of my truck too far (on the tailgate it sinks the back end several inches, though when traveling it would be strapped in close to the cab).  When you add a trailer on the ball, a generator, and presumably some other equipment though, I might end up with headlights pointed to the sky.  Or not enough room in the bed.

2021 Projects:
  • Shed supports
  • Table
  • South wall siding
  • Review options for house (mobile home vs stick built vs modular)
  • Level back yard
  • Level front yard 
  • Remove dead/dying beech trees
  • Eliminate pile of crap in back
  • Camper Power Center (portable AC power source and generator)
  • Baffle box
  • Driveway round three
  • Fix shed floor.

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