Friday, April 26, 2019

Nothing exciting, just more rocks.

Nothing too exciting the last couple of days, just another load of gravel.  I tried driving up the rutted part of the driveway to dump it it in the proper location.  That was apparently a mistake.  That was the ball on the back of my truck.

Something else happened when unloading this time too.  My tail gate started to fall off. 

Another ton.  This part is worlds better, but there is still a long way to go.  This is only a tiny section of the driveway.

This weekend is supposed to stink, so we shall see how much I get done.  I am also looking at how to start smoothing the yard.  It has been too wet for the septic guy to come up and smooth and seed (his tractor is too heavy and will sink in the soup), but if we get three or four days of nice weather, I can drive mine on it.  I also end up making a drag of some sort to use to smooth it just in case the septic guy can't come up until it is too late.  The weeds are already starting to peep in, and once they take hold, I would need a harrow/disc to get it smooth, which means something much larger than my tractor.  It would stink to have to do all the work myself, but it would save me a few hundred dollars; he withheld 400 from the bill last year for this work. 

I am not considering this driveway work as part of the item on the checklist, this is just emergency damage control, so no movement on the checklist.
  1. Install bathroom fixtures.
  2. Get hot water heater installed.
  3. Install some form of cabinets in the kitchen.
  4. Install kitchen sink.
  5. Install kitchen appliances.
  6. Get propane installed.
  7. Build bed frame.
  8. Build closets.
  9. Install table.
  10. Smooth driveway enough to plow/clear
  11. Fix snowblower.  
  12. Winterize equipment (mower, undercoat the truck, etc).
  13. Clear slab
  14. Shed work
    1. Extend roof to prevent snow pushing on the side.
    2. Fix pilings

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