Monday, March 20, 2023

Boring working weekend.

I didn't really do anything over the weekend.  I ended up working pretty much a full day on Saturday, but at least it was assembling racks and stuff, pretty low stress, and I brought in my bluetooth speaker and all that so I had some music running.  I didn't do much on Sunday either, just chores and laziness.

Now that the contract is finalized, I did get the final drawing for the home. There were a couple minor differences from what I was expecting; they are giving me two extra feet of countertop which I wasn't expecting, and they are extending the master closet instead of the utility room.  A few of the other rooms were seemingly a few inches different in width from the original drawing, but nothing I care about.  I also selected where I wanted the cable drops (I picked one in the living room and one in the master bedroom), and I put the hose off the utility room.  I prefer it on the front, but that wasn't an option.  I can always put a splitter on it and run one underneath the house to get something on the front

Otherwise not too much is going on.  I will be preparing for a trip south this coming weekend.  We have another system coming through, but this one is supposed to be rain, not snow.  Hopefully it stays that way.