Friday, September 16, 2022

Short week update.

Not much to update for this week.  The zoning board packet is submitted.  I made nice copies of my floorplans, and drew up the garage part.

The clean version of the house.  I haven't added windows yet.

The garage portion is very simple.  It has a utility room under the stairs (since that is where the septic and well come out of the slab).  The rest is just garage.  I might extend the room to come further towards the front, depending on exactly where things come out of the slab.  This room will be heated and is the one I will be building immediately when the shell gets put up.  

I also bought a few new flash drives.  My old drive is getting flaky and the port is worn out (it is about 10 years old, it has had a good life).  It won't connect to my work computer at all, and only connects to some ports on my laptop.  I bought 3 cheapo ones and one that was recommended from some reviewers online.  The "recommended" one however is worse than the cheapo ones in both size and speed though, which is disappointing.  I might try to look for a faster one.  The cheapo ones were intended to bring media and stuff with me when I travel.  On the trip to the Grand Canyon, I had a half dozen flash drives with stuff on them with me, I am trying to get that number a bit smaller (thus the huge 512GB size).  Here are the speed results.  The top three are the cheapo Transcend ones, the bottom left is the "recommended" Sandisk Ultra, and the bottom right is my old one.  Flash drives have not been getting faster the last decade it appears.

It was 37 outside when I left this morning, and I think it is going to be a cold commute this winter.  The truck warms up pretty slowly, and didn't get up to operating temperature until I was less than a mile from work.  When it is below zero, I am guessing it won't reach temperature on my trip.  The transmission never got to operating temperature.  

Fall foliage is still in the preliminary stages, but here are some pictures anyways.  It isn't clear how much foliage we will get this year, but I expect it to be short and lamer than normal.

I have started ruminating on a winter checklist, but haven't finished it yet.  The variance from the town could potentially put a crimp on it, though I am not too concerned about getting the extension.  

1 comment:

  1. not sure yet, it will likely be october before I get on the agenda, so maybe sometime in October.
