Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Dodged a close one.

I dodged a close call yesterday on my way to work yesterday.  There were a bunch of deer standing in the road.  As I normally do, I hit my horn, and they scattered.  Only this time, one ran off into the woods, and then decided my truck looked pretty and wanted a closer look and jumped back out into the road into the side.  Fortunately, I don't see any dents in the truck.

I have noticed since I got back that the trees have started turning already.  It is a bit early, but I assume that is because of the drought.

I saw my turkeys again this morning.

We got a few inches of rain yesterday and last night.  It is really really low, but my creek was running again this morning.

I have everything for the variance ready, I just need to draw up the bottom floor and update the map.  I will finish all that today and turn it in tomorrow.

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