Monday, October 18, 2021

Down in bourbon country

I drove down to KY last weekend.  The truck was rather full.  

I also noticed when I moved the tractor that it appears to be leaking hydraulic oil again.  Sigh.

I didn't notice when I took the boat off just how rough the tires were on the trailer.  I ended up just filling it partway with air.  The thought was fill it enough to not ride on the edges (the trailer was empty driving down), but not full enough to make the tire go boom.  It seemed to work, I got the trailer down to KY without issue.  

I also finally completed the power center.  It has foam between the batteries to prevent them from sliding around, and an insert on the top to prevent them from tipping over.  

The weight issue reared its ugly head again.  We couldn't push it into the truck with the batteries in it.  We pushed it part way in with the 4 wheeler and a board.  Dad had an idea to get it the rest of the way in.  It worked.  The unwieldiness of the unit is definitely a huge black mark against the idea.  I knew the weight would be high, but I didn't realize that it would be quite this bad.

But the power center is installed.  I also finished packing the truck for the trip.  I didn't grab a picture, but you can easily see in the tires that the truck preferred the weight further up.  On the trip to KY, the batteries were in the cab.

I also didn't get any pictures while we were doing it, but Dad and I (with an assist from my sister) put a new gasket on my cap so hopefully it won't leak anymore.  I did notice that it appears that my hinge for the back window is starting to break down a little.  Hopefully it won't be a problem.  

I am working remotely this week from the camper.  I am still unpacking and organizing.  My work laptop is all that I have set up thus far.  I have a lot of meetings this week though, so I should have plenty of time.  

My plan for this week: 
* Monday - shopping
* Tuesday - truck, planning the trip
* Wednesday - Carter caves visit
* Thursday - Tractor Supply, last minute shopping and planning
* Friday - take off for South Dakota

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